Stamps and Coins

Every year we release a number of commemorative postage stamps and coins which help promote our work and values. All income received from the sale of stamps and royalties from coins is re-invested back into the Territory.

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The latest


2021 Stamp Set: Final Voyage of the RRS James Clark Ross

    In March 2021 the RRS James Clark Ross arrived in Harwich having completed its final season with the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). The ship’s five-and-a-half-month mission was to deliver scientific and operational staff to Antarctica, and to resupply the UK stations in Antarctica for another year. In 1991 the RRS James Clark Ross…


2021 Stamp Set: 30th Anniversary of the Environmental Protocol

The British Antarctic Government are happy to present our new stamp set to celebrate the signing of the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (Environmental Protocol). This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the signing of the Environmental Protocol, which provides a comprehensive framework for the protection of the Antarctic environment. This unique…


2021 Stamp Set: Blue Belt Programme

  The Government of the British Antarctic Territory is pleased to release a set of four stamps in celebration of the Blue Belt Programme. These stamps highlight some of the key elements of the Blue Belt Programme around the British Antarctic Territory. The UK Overseas Territories (OTs) are home to globally significant biodiversity. The UK…


Consultation: Amateur Radio Licensing

Consultation: Draft Communications (Wireless Telegraphy) Ordinance 2021 and draft Communications (Wireless Telegraphy) (Issuance of Amateur Radio Licences) Regulations 2021 This consultation closed on 10 November 2021. We are very grateful for all comments received, and we will provide a further update in due course.
